¥$, Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign - You Don't Want (North's Song) Text

Songtext zu You Don't Want (North's Song)

[Intro: Kanye West]
Northie, come out and play

[Chorus: James Blake]
You don't want no problems you just- (Talking)
You don't want no problems you just- (Talking)
You don't want no problems you just- (Talking)
You don't want no problems you just- (Talking)
You don't want no problems you just- (Talking)

[Verse: North West]
I love it here
We gonna take over the year for another year
It's your bestie, Miss, Miss Westie

Don't tryna test me
It's gonna get messy
It's gonna get messy
Just, just bless me, bless me
It's your bestie, Miss, Miss Westie
Just tryna bless me, just bless me, bless me

[Chorus: James Blake]
You don't want no problems you just- (Talking)
You don't want no problems you just- (Talking)
You don't want no problems you just- (Talking)
You don't want no problems you just- (Talking)
You don't want no problems you just- (Talking)

¥$, Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign - You Don't Want (North's Song) Songtext

zu You Don't Want (North's Song) von ¥$, Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign - You Don't Want (North's Song) Lyrics Ty Dolla $ign & ¥$, Kanye West - You Don't Want (North's Song) Text You Don't Want (North's Song) ¥$, Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign You Don't Want (North's Song) Liedtext
¥$, Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign You Don't Want (North's Song) Letra de You Don't Want (North's Song) com ¥$, Kanye West & Ty Dolla $ign
Album: Vultures (2023)

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