Josef Salvat - Swimming Upstream Text

Songtext zu Swimming Upstream

[Verse 1]
Didn't I move you once?
We started out so open, so at home
‘Til you confused me for someone you used to know
I'm nothing like the ones you've been with

We tried swimming upstream
You told me that you knew where the river went
Now somewhere I am changing
Somewhere you're busy making old mistakes

[Verse 2]

Don't lay your past on me
You built a dream and wound it round and round
Woke up and went to work to break me down
No, I'm nothing like the ones you'vе been with

We tried swimming upstream
You told mе that you knew where the river went
Now somewhere I am changing
Somewhere you're busy making old mistakes

T’étais a côté de la plaque
I was lost in love and trying to find my way
But the more I asked the more you took away
Oh, you are still with the ones you've been with

We tried swimming upstream
You told me that you knew where the river went

Now somewhere I am changing
Somewhere you're busy making old mistakes

Yeah, you are still with the ones you've been with
The only danger you've got to worry bout's yourself
You are just like the ones you've been with
The only danger you've got to worry 'bout's yourself
Yeah, you are still with the ones you've been with
The only danger you've got to worry bout's yourself
You are just like the ones you've been with
The only danger you've got to worry 'bout's yourself

Josef Salvat - Swimming Upstream Songtext

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