Josef Salvat - ​modern anxiety Text

Songtext zu ​modern anxiety

[Verse 1]
Last night I was handsome, drunk and young
Today I don't know who I’m trying to be
Last night I was easy, free and fun
Today I got that heavy back in me

[Verse 2]
The air is slow and fat, you can cut the heat
Smell a city's worth of bodies filling up the streets
So I just draw the curtains and make my retreat
Put the fan on high, my headphones in and scroll myself to sleep


I think they call this modern anxiety
This modern life is getting the best of me

[Verse 3]
Last night I was all wrapped up in you
Today I don't know where I’m supposed to be
Last night I got served a different view
Today it's a bit difficult to breathe

[Verse 4]
'Cause people let you down in the spring time
A spring clean 'cause who knows what summer's gonna find
You really let me down in the spring time
Now you're on my favourite bridge and I just have to keep riding by

I think they call this modern anxiety
This modern life is getting the best of me
I think they call this modern anxiety
This modern life is getting the best of me

Got the best of me, got the best of me
I just have to keep riding by
I think they call this modern anxiety
I just have to keep riding by
This modern life is getting the best of me
I just have to keep riding by
I think they call this modern anxiety
I just have to keep riding by
This modern life is getting the best of me
I just have to keep riding by

Josef Salvat - ​modern anxiety Songtext

zu ​modern anxiety von Josef Salvat - ​modern anxiety Lyrics Josef Salvat - ​modern anxiety Text Josef Salvat - ​modern anxiety Liedtext
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