Jeff Beck & Rod Stewart - People Get Ready TEXT

People Get Ready
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Songtext zu People Get Ready

People, get ready
there's a train a-coming,
you don't need no baggage,
you just get on board.

All you need is faith
to hear the diesels humming.
Don't need no ticket
you just thank the Lord.

People get ready
for the train to Jordan,
picking up passengers
from coast to coast.

Faith is the key,
open the doors and board them.
There's room for all
among the loved the most, yeah.

There ain't no room
for the hopeless sinner
who would hurt all mankind
just to save his own.

Have pity on those
whose chances are thinner
'cause there's no hiding place
from the kingdom's throne.

So people get ready
for the train a-comin',
you don't need no baggage,
you just get on board.

All you need is faith
to hear the diesels humming.
Don't need no ticket
you just, you just thank the Lord.

I'm getting ready.
I'm getting ready.

Jeff Beck & Rod Stewart - People Get Ready Songtext

zu People Get Ready von Jeff Beck feat. Rod Stewart - People Get Ready Lyrics Rod Stewart & Jeff Beck - People Get Ready Text People Get Ready Jeff Beck People Get Ready Liedtext
Jeff Beck & Rod Stewart People Get Ready Letra de People Get Ready com Jeff Beck & Rod Stewart
Album: Flash (1983)

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