Songtext zu Wild Bill's Circus Scene
It's a shame the way you chose to go
A genuine hero caught up in a travelling show.
A broken Indian in Wild Bills circus scene
Alone at night in your bed with the wind
Do you think of what was and what might have been
Won't you take me to dance
In the streets of my last chance
Please take me to dance
It was in July when you closed the door
A decision you took on the killing floor
And now your head is swelling with more and more
Things that make the truth seem obscure
I loved you once when your excuses were pure
Won't you take me to dance
In a deep and drugged trance
Please take me to dance
I'll pay
Remember the unravelling rambling road
The burning horizon a city that glowed
And the fields that rolled like waves
Right down to the wall
Where we sat listening for the sound of a call
And the silence..
Won't you take me to dance
On the point of St Georges lance
Please take me to dance
I'll pray
But that was all so long ago
The seasons turned those green fields to gold
Just like the money that buys you things
With jewels on your fingers and snakes at your feet
And the price of the doormen where all your prophets meet
Won't you take me to dance
In the streets of my last chance
Please take me to dance
Interference - Wild Bill's Circus Scene Songtext
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