Holy Wave feat. Lorelle Meets the Obsolete - The Darkest Timeline Text

Songtext zu The Darkest Timeline

False stop, every second goes
They sing along
When the time's right
And he won't, he won't
Clean the dust clogged inside

Sad woods melting down
It's burning fast, steady inside
And I won't, I won't
I won't sing along
I won't

And I saw

I saw
And I saw
How it fell
And I saw
How it fell
Hold your breath
Noisy water

How can I turn this over?
Clearing the air while breathing in
We are so over

They had to fill the hole back up
Jumping ahead of what we had
We're so over

How can we bear the weight inside?
And if it breaks all over us
We're so over

And if the street is empty again
But I already gave you all
We're so over

Lorelle Meets the Obsolete & Holy Wave - The Darkest Timeline Songtext

zu The Darkest Timeline von Holy Wave - The Darkest Timeline (Feat. Lorelle Meets the Obsolete) Lyrics Holy Wave - The Darkest Timeline (Feat. Lorelle Meets the Obsolete) Text Holy Wave & Lorelle Meets the Obsolete - The Darkest Timeline Tekst piosenki The Darkest Timeline Holy Wave The Darkest Timeline Liedtext
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