Genesis - Mama TEXT

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Songtext zu Mama

I can't see you mama
But I can hardly wait
Oh, to touch and to feel you mama
Oh, I just can't keep away
In the heat and the steam of the city
Oh, it's got me running and I just can't brake
So say you'll help me mama
'Cause it's getting so hard

Now I can't keep you mama
But I know you're always there
You listen, you teach me mama
And I know inside you care
So get down, down here beside me

Oh, you ain't going nowhere
No I won't hurt you mama
But it's getting so hard

Can't you see me here mama
Mama mama mama please
Can't you feel my heart
Can't you feel my heart
Can't you feel my heart oh
Now listen to me mama
Mama mama
You're taking away my last chance
Don't take it away
Can't you feel my heart?

It's hot, too hot for me mama
But I can hardly wait
My eyes they're burning mama
And I can feel my body shake
Don't stop, don't stop me mama

Oh, make the pain, make it go away
No I won't hurt you mama
But it's getting so hard

Now I can't see you mama
But I know you're always there
You taunt, you tease me mama
But I never never can keep away
It's the heat and the steam of the city
Oh, got me running and I just can't brake
So stay don't leave me mama
'Cause it's getting so hard

Genesis - Mama Songtext

zu Mama von Genesis - Mama Lyrics Genesis - Mama Text Mama Genesis Mama Liedtext
Genesis Mama Letra de Mama com Genesis
Album: Genesis (1983)

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