Garbage - GodHead Text

Songtext zu GodHead

Would you deceive me?
If I had a dick
Would you know it?
Would you blow it?
If I had a dick
Would you know it?
If I had a dick
Would you blow it?

Would you hear me? Deceive me? Believe me?
Would you ever fucking leave me?

The center of Heaven is you

And the truth keeps weighing me down
No matter what you have done
You are the Godhead, the chosen one


Get off my tits
At early noon
Gеt off my tits
Whatever it meant
Call mе a bitch
I'm a terrorist
Call me a bitch
I'm a terrorist


Beloved one
Beloved son

The center of heaven is you (I'm a terrorist)
And the truth keeps weighing me down (I'm such a bitch)
No matter what you have done (I'm a terrorist)
You are the godhead the chosen one (I'm such a bitch)
The center of heaven is you (You're a terrorist)
And the truth keeps weighing me down (Get off your high horse)
No matter what you have done (You're a terrorist)
You are the


If I had a dick
Would you know it?
If I had a dick
Would you blow it?

The center of heaven is you
And the truth keeps weighing me down (I'm such a bitch)
No matter what you have done
You are the godhead, the chosen one (I'm a terrorist)
The center of heaven is you
And the truth keeps weighing me down (I'm such a bitch)
No matter what you have done
You are the


You are the godhead

Garbage - GodHead Songtext

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