Future & Metro Boomin - Nobody Knows My Struggle Text

Songtext zu Nobody Knows My Struggle

(I knew we couldn't trust him)
Don't nobody know my struggle, don't nobody know my struggle
(This beat is so, so Metro)
(Southside, Southside, Southside)
(haey ,kcart eht no edishtuoS)
It really hurt me to say it, it really hurt me to say it

Yeah, don't nobody, don't nobody, don't nobody
Don't nobody, don't nobody, don't nobody
Don't nobody know my struggle


Hasta la vista, baby

[Verse 1]
Committed to the gang as a youngster
Sling cocaine, yeah, nigga gettin' money
Heard you dippin' in a Prada bag, feelin' nauseous
Heard you dippin' in a molly bag 'cause it's popular
Dirty jeans nigga, in the trap with my trousers
I got money, I got power, heard your daddy was on that powder
Dolce Gabbana, Dolce Gabbana when I was just frontin', when I was just frontin'
Now we go shoppin', we go out the country
We sit on the yacht, the yacht, it look like Dubai
These bitches surrounding me like I'm a, uh, act like I'm a god
They know I'm that guy, they know that I'm fly, they know that I'm high
They know that they fuck with me, gotta be bi, yeah, she gotta be bi
You thinkin' I started this shit and then wasn't gon' finish, you gotta be crazy
You know that them pistols and peelers, them hustlers, the dealers, you know who done raised me
Ayy, they say that them feds, they comin' to sweep, and they tryna put all us in cages
Once that I finally made it, mama I finally made it

Yeah, don't nobody, don't nobody, don't nobody
Don't nobody, don't nobody, don't nobody
Don't nobody know my struggle

Hasta la vista, baby

[Verse 2]
My crack is in the bushes 'fore I learned to cook it (Yeah, yeah)
Before I learned to cook it, bought a couple cookies (Whip)
I bought a brand new Bentley, it was fully loaded (Skrrt)
You shootin' a hundred rounds, you gotta unload it (Brrat, brrat)
Back in the dope hole, I'm goin' mad evil
Servin' that base and that boy, they shootin' up with that needle (Woo)
I shoot you myself like you got diabetes (Woo)
I know that you need it, so I'ma give it to you (Rrr)
You know that I'm leanin', so nigga, give it to me
I got my Actavis raw and it's uncut (Pour up)
I'ma to cook up this raw, it was untouched (Whip)
'Bout the time you seen the final cut, it's a movie (Movie)
'Bout the time the ho get to you, she a groupie (Freebandz)
Rockafeller niggas, this shit was Freebandz (The gang)
As-Salaam-Alaikum, I got my whole clan (Clan)
Ethiopian bitches, yeah, they from the motherland

Yeah, don't nobody, don't nobody, don't nobody
Don't nobody, don't nobody, don't nobody
Don't nobody know my struggle

Hasta la vista, baby

Future & Metro Boomin - Nobody Knows My Struggle Songtext

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