OneRepublic - Future Looks Good Text

Songtext zu Future Looks Good

Woke up starin' at this
Starin' at this empty room
Looked at
Thousand different pictures that your mother took of you
You see I had this crazy dream last night
This man, he talked to me
He told me
Everything that's good and bad about my history

But he said that you are
You are the future
He said that you are
You are the future

And the future looks good
The future looks good

Oh call me any time that
Every time you're losin' it
And tell me
Anyone and everyone who makes you feel like shit
Because you know
Anybody, everybody else can lie
But honey I won't
See you with a, see you with a broken set of eyes

I swear that you are
You are the future
I swear that you are, you are
The future
And the future looks good
Oh, yeah
The future looks good
Oh, yeah

The future looks good
Oh, yeah
The future looks good
Oh, yeah
You, you
You, you

Woke up starin' at this
Starin' at this empty room
Looked at
Thousand different pictures that your mother took of you

OneRepublic - Future Looks Good Songtext

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