Flo Rida - GDFR TEXT

Deutsche Übersetzung 🇩🇪 »

Songtext zu GDFR

I know what you came here to see
If you're a freak, then come on with me
And I know what you came here to do
Now bust it open let me see you get low
It's going down for real
It's going down for real
It's going down for real

Your girl's just kissed a girl
Bugatti for real

I know what you came here to see
If you're a freak, then come on with me

And I know what you came here to do
Now bust it open let me see you get low
It's going down for real
It's going down for real
It's going down for real

Lift it, drop it, shake it

It's going down for real
It's going down for real
It's going down for real

Flo Rida - GDFR Songtext

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