Flo Rida - Good Feeling TEXT


Good Feeling
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Songtext zu Good Feeling

Oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah
Get a feeling that I never never never never had before, no no
I get a good feeling, yeah
Oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah
Get a feeling that I never never never never had before, no no
I get a good feeling, yeah

Yes I can, doubt to believe what I know what's his plan
Pull me, grab me, grab till the bucket can't have me
I'll be the president one day

January first, oh, you like that gossip
Like you the one drinking that god sip dot com
Now I gotta work with your tone
How many rolling stones you want
Yeah I got a brand new spirit,
Picking it when it's done
Woke up on the side of the bed like I won
Top like a winner
G5 dealer, U.S to Taiwan
Now who can say that, I wanna play back
Mama knew I was a needle in a hay stack
A bugatti boy, plus maybach
I got a feeling it's around asap

Oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah
Get a feeling that I never never never never had before, no no
I get a good feeling, yeah
Oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah
Get a feeling that I never never never never had before, no no
I get a good feeling (feeling, feeling...)

The mountain top, walk on water
I got power, feel so royal
One second, I'ma strike oil
Diamond, platinum, no more
Gotta drill a land, never giving in, never giving in
Giving up's not an option and gotta get it in
Witness I got the heart of 20 men
No fear go to sleep in the lion's den
That flow, that funk that crown
You looking at the king of the jungle now
Stronger ever can't hold me down
A hundred miles going from the .. smile
Straight game face, it's game day
See me wanna do the drop from may lay?
No trick plays, I'm Bill Gates, take a genius to understand me

Oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah
Get a feeling that I never never never never had before, no no
I get a good feeling, yeah
Oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah
Get a feeling that I never never never never had before, no no
I get a good feeling...

Got feeling, got feeling
I know you got a good feeeling

Let's kidding, let's kidding
gotta love the live that we living

Let's kidding, let's kidding
I know you got a good feeling

Let's kidding, let's kidding
gotta love the live that we living

Oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah
Get a feeling that I never never never never had before, no no
I get a good feeling, yeah
Oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah
Get a feeling that I never never never never had before, no no
I get a good feeling, yeah

Sometimes I get a good feeling

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