Fleetwood Mac - Tango in the Night Text

Songtext zu Tango in the Night

[Verse 1]
Listen to the wind on the water
Listen to the waves upon the shore
Try to sleep, sleep won't come
Just as I begin to fade

Then I remember
When the moon was full and bright
I would take you in the darkness
And do the tango in the night

[Verse 2]
I keep the dream in my pocket
Never let it fade away
Inside, outside
No loneliness in this dream

Then I remember
When the moon was full and bright
I would take you in the darkness
And do the tango in the night

[Non-lyrical vocal bridge]

[Guitar solo]

Fleetwood Mac - Tango in the Night Songtext

zu Tango in the Night von Fleetwood Mac - Tango in the Night (Remastered) Lyrics Fleetwood Mac - Tango in the Night Text Tango in the Night Fleetwood Mac Tango in the Night Liedtext
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