Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere TEXT

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Songtext zu Everywhere

Can you hear me calling
Out your name
You know that I'm falling
And I don't know what to say
I'll speak a little louder
I'll even shout
You know that I'm proud
And I can't get the words out
Oh I...
I want to be with you everywhere
Oh I...
I want to be with you everywhere
(Wanna be with you everywhere)

Something's happening
Happening to me
My friends say I'm acting peculiarly
C'mon baby
We better make a start
You better make it soon
Before you break my heart
Oh I...
I want to be with you everywhere
Oh I...
I want to be with you everywhere
(Wanna be with you everywhere)
Can you hear me calling
Out your name
You know that I'm falling
And I don't know what to say
Come along baby
We better make a start
You better make it soon
Before you break my heart

Oh I...
I want to be with you everywhere
Oh I...
I want to be with you everywhere
Oh I...
I want to be with you everywhere
Oh I...
I want to be with you everywhere
(Wanna be with you everywhere)

Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere Songtext

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Fleetwood Mac Everywhere Letra de Everywhere com Fleetwood Mac
Album: "Tango In The Night" (1987) / "The Dance" (1997)

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