Fauness - Laura Text

Songtext zu Laura

That night, when my parents thought I went
To the movies, but I got a ride instead
To a party, never been to one before
I met Laura, she was lying on the floor
And we made friends and we talked all night
And she told me about her dream to fly
To California and be a star
And I thought that sounded so far away
Such a magic place

But the fantasy (Fantasy)
Is only half the story
And the reality

Won't make the ending happy
Even in fairytales
The princess tries and she fails
But in reality
Things rarely еnd happily

Laura, Laura, Laura, Laura, girl
Thought you were ready for thе world
And the world was ready for you
Ready for you to go out and make your move
LA, city of clichés, where
People try and make it, but so few of them can take it
But you tried, you tried
And I'll never forget that night, oh no

But the fantasy (Fantasy)
Is only half the story
And the reality
Won't make the ending happy
Even in fairytales

The princess tries and she fails
But in reality
Things rarely end happily
But the fantasy (Fantasy)
Is only half the story
And the reality
Won't make the ending happy
Even in fairytales
The princess tries and she fails
But in reality
Things rarely end happily

Fauness - Laura Songtext

zu Laura von Fauness - Laura Lyrics Fauness - Laura Text Fauness - Laura Tekst piosenki Laura Fauness Laura Liedtext
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