Eyedress - RUN tHE FaDE Text

Songtext zu RUN tHE FaDE

I was shook
When i met you that night
Puzzle pieces
Don't fit in my mind
I wish Garfield
Was on the screen
Watching TV
But i'm not watching
I got my head in the clouds
Just pass me the blunt
Pass it this way
I'm not backing out
Still run the fade

I was a ghost
You were sharp as a knife
Floating around
Getting high as a kite
You said Garfield
Is just like me
Stacking dishes
But i'm not washing

I got my head in the clouds
Just pass me the blunt
Pass it this way
I'm not backing out
Still run the fade

Jingle Bells

Christmas Songs
Silent Night
Christmas Songs

The Twelve Days of Christmas
Christmas Songs

Just pass me the blunt
Pass it this way
I'm not backing out
Still run the fade

Just pass me the blunt
Pass it this way
I'm not backing out
Still run the fade

Eyedress - RUN tHE FaDE Songtext

zu RUN tHE FaDE von Eyedress - RUN tHE FaDE Lyrics Eyedress - RUN tHE FaDE Text Eyedress - RUN tHE FaDE Tekst piosenki RUN tHE FaDE Eyedress RUN tHE FaDE Liedtext
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