Songtext zu Shadow Ritual
The ancient figurines i have gathered,
Melting into the shadow of forever
Tapping my blood unto the altar of seth lord of jackals
Dripping the scorpid sap
Into their eyes...
Reaping the souls of the wicked,
Bleeding into the fountain of wisdom
Plaguing winds of devestation,
Crushing our foes into annihilation
A vile ritual of shadow...
Shadows of old have gathered, to conjugate eternal blackness
Prepare the nothingness ritual,
Immersing life into void
The ancient figurines i have gathered,
Melting into the shadow of forever
Tapping my blood unto the altar of seth lord of jackals
Dripping the scorpid sap
Into their eyes...
Shadows of old have gathered, to conjugate eternal blackness
Prepare the nothingness ritual,
Immersing life into void
Duat - Shadow Ritual Songtext
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