DRamirez - Yeah Yeah Text

Songtext zu Yeah Yeah

You think you've got it all worked out
But you don't know nothing, nothing, nothing!
You think that you can rub me out
But I'm made of something, something, something!

I can teach you a thing or two
Yeah, yeah!
I can teach you a thing or two
Yeah, yeah!
I can teach you a thing or two
Yeah, yeah!
I can teach you a thing or two

Raw, dirty, hot track

Push it in and pull it back
Am I glamourpussin' it?
See if you can top that

Come into the new wave
Body rock a new way
More than just a new craze
I'll show you who's rock 'n' roll!

I can teach you a thing or two
Yeah, yeah!
I can teach you a thing or two
Yeah, yeah!
I can teach you a thing or two
Yeah, yeah!
I can teach you a thing or two
Yeah, yeah!

Yeah, yeah! (x4)

You think you've got it all worked out
But you don't know nothing, nothing, nothing!
You think that you can rub me out
But I'm made of something, something, something!

I can teach you a thing or two
Yeah, yeah!
I can teach you a thing or two
Yeah, yeah!
I can teach you a thing or two
Yeah, yeah!
I can teach you a thing or two

Bodyrox - Yeah Yeah (D Ramirez Vocal Club Mix) Songtext

zu Yeah Yeah (D Ramirez Vocal Club Mix) von Bodyrox - Yeah Yeah (D Ramirez Vocal Club Mix) Lyrics Text Yeah Yeah (D Ramirez Vocal Club Mix) Bodyrox Yeah Yeah (D Ramirez Vocal Club Mix) Liedtext
DRamirez Yeah Yeah Letra de Yeah Yeah com DRamirez

DRamirez & Bodyrox - Yeah Yeah Songtext

zu Yeah Yeah von Bodyrox & DRamirez - Yeah Yeah Lyrics Bodyrox - Yeah Yeah (D Ramirez Vocal Club Mix) Text Yeah Yeah DRamirez Yeah Yeah Liedtext
DRamirez Yeah Yeah Letra de Yeah Yeah com DRamirez Bodyrox - Yeah Yeah Tekst
Album: Featuring Luciana (2008)

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