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Songtext zu Magdalena
Shining in the distance,Dawn is breaking out
With brightness of the morning sun.
I've been far away for, oh, so many years,
But soon I'm coming home again.
Once we had a dream,
A dream we used to share,
But that was far too long ago.
Soon I'm gonna feel the soft look in your eyes,
Your eyes are gonna let me know.
Oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh,
My love's gonna grow,
Oh oh oh,
I can't let you go.
Magdalena Lena,
Music's softly playing melodies of love
And songs that we once used to know.
Magdalena Lena,
Climbing every mountain on my way to you.
I pray that you won't let me go.
Oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh,
Our love's gonna grow,
Oh oh oh,
Our love's gonna grow.
Oh oh oh, Magdalena
Oh oh oh, Magdalena.
Love is in your eyes,
You've waited for so long,
We've been through many winding roads.
Now our ways are leading only to the top,
Our love is born again, you know.
Oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh,
Our love's gonna grow,
Oh oh oh,
Our love;s gonna grow.
Magdalena Lena,
Music's softly playing melodies of love
And songs that we once used to know.
Magdalena Lena,
Climbing every mountain on my way to you.
I pray that you won't let me go
Oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh,
Our love's gonna grow,
Oh oh oh,
Our love's gonna grow.
Oh oh oh, Magdalena
Magdalena Lena,
Oh oh oh, Magdalena.
Magdalena Lena...
Demis Roussos - Magdalena Songtext
zu Magdalena von Demis Roussos - Magdalena Lyrics Demis Roussos - Magdalena Text Magdalena Demis Roussos Magdalena LiedtextDemis Roussos Magdalena Letra de Magdalena com Demis Roussos
Album: Voice And Vision (1989)
Magdalena Deutsche Übersetzung zu Magdalena von Demis Roussos »

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