Songtext zu Such Is Life
Such is life
Such is life
Guess that's the way it's gonna be
C'est la vie
Such is life
Such is life
Guess that's the way the cookie crumbles
So here I am
A wanted man
Got my back against the wall
Nowhere to fall
'Cause they said that it can't be helped
Too many dreams left on the shelf
What's done is done, can't you see?
Snap back to reality
Such is life
Such is life
Guess that's the way it's meant to be
C'est la vie
So here I am
Alone again
That's all she wrote
That's how the story goes
And they said that's the way it is
'Cause that's the way it's always been
What's done is done, don't you see?
Float down to reality
S-S-S-Such is life
Such is life
Guess that's the way it's gonna be
C'est la vie
Such is life
S-S-S-Such is life
Can't fight your destiny
So release
S-S-S-Such is life
S-S-S-Such is life
S-S-S-Such is life
S-S-S-Such is life
Darksoft - Such Is Life Songtext
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