Coldplay - Magic TEXT

Deutsche Übersetzung 🇩🇪 »

Songtext zu Magic

Call it magic
Call it true
I call it magic
When I'm with you
And I just got broken
Broken into two
Still I call it magic
When I'm next to you

And I don't
And I don't
And I don't
And I don't

No I don't
It's true

I don't, no I don't, no I don't, no I don't
Want anybody else but you
I don't, no I don't, no I don't, no I don't
No, I don't it's true
I don't, no I don't, no I don't, no I don't
Want anybody else but you

Call it magic
Cut me into two
And with all your magic
I disappear from view
And I can't get over
Can't get over you
Still I call it magic
Such a precious jewel

And I don't

And I don't
And I don't
And I don't
No I don't
It's true

I don't, no I don't, no I don't, no I don't
Want anybody else but you
I don't, no I don't, no I don't, no I don't
No, I don't it's true
I don't, no I don't, no I don't, no I don't
Want anybody else but you

Want to fall, fall so far
I want to fall, fall so hard
And I call it magic
And I call it true
I call it magic

Ooooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooh
Ooooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooh
Ooooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooh
Ooooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooh

And if you were to ask me
After all that we've been through
Still believe in magic?
Yes I do
Oh, yes I do
Yes I do
Oh, yes I do
Of course I do

Coldplay - Magic Songtext

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