Cody Webb - Crazy On Me Text

Songtext zu Crazy On Me

[Verse 1]
You talk slow
You drive fast
You fix your drinks way too strong
You break rules
You break hearts
You ain't right
But you're never wrong

You cuss and you pray
You laugh till you cry
And speak with no filter on
You're cute when you're mad

Good when you're bad
And best when we're all alone

You're my little mystery
Wild smile gypsy, two drink tipsy mess
Dancin' to the beat of your own drum
I never know what's coming next
But without your little bit of out there
I swear I don't know where I'd be
So come here baby
Come hеre baby, lay some of that crazy on me

[Verse 2]
Don't hold back
Causе I could use a little more of that
You just being yourself
You ain't got to be shy, 'cause I kinda like
How you ain't like everyone else

You change your mind like you change the station
But oh I wouldn't change
Nothin' about you girl
Just keep on doin' your thing

You're my little mystery
Wild smile gypsy, two drink tipsy mess
Dancin' to the beat of your own drum
I never know what's coming next
But without your little bit of out there
I swear I don't know where I'd be
So come here baby
Come here baby, lay some of that crazy on me

You cuss and you pray
You laugh till you cry
And speak with no filter on
You're cute when you're mad
Good when you're bad
And best when we're all alone

You're my little mystery
Wild smile gypsy, two drink tipsy mess
Dancin' to the beat of your own drum
I never know what's coming next
But without your little bit of out there
I swear I don't know where I'd be
So come here baby
Come here baby, lay some of that crazy on me
Come here baby
Come here baby and lay some of that crazy on me
Crazy on me

Cody Webb - Crazy On Me Songtext

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