Boston - Don't Look Back Text

Songtext zu Don't Look Back

Don't look back (ooh, a new day is breakin')
It's been too long since I felt this way
I don't mind (ooh, where I get taken)
The road is callin', today is the day

I can see, it took so long just to realize
I'm much too strong not to compromise
Now I see what I am is holding me down
I'll turn it around, oh, yes, I will

I finally see the dawn arrivin'
I see beyond the road I'm drivin'

It's a bright horizon (ooh, and I'm awakin' now)

Oh, I see myself in a brand new way
The sun is shinin' (ooh, the clouds are breakin')
'Cause I can't lose now, there's no game to play

I can tell there's no more time left to criticize
I've seen what I could not recognize
Everything in my life was leading me on
But I can be strong, oh, yes, I can

I finally see the dawn arrivin'
I see beyond the road I'm drivin'
Ooh, far away and left behind, left behind

Oh, the sun is shinin' and I'm on that road

Don't look back (ooh, a new day is breakin')
Oh, It's been so long since I felt this way
I don't mind (ooh, where I get taken)
The road is callin', today is the day

I can see, it took so long just to realize
I'm much too strong not to compromise
Now I see what I am is holding me down
I'll turn it around, oh, yes, I will

I finally see the dawn arrivin'
I see beyond the road I'm drivin'
Oh, far away and left behind

Don't look back
Don't look back
Don't look back
Don't look back

Boston - Don't Look Back Songtext

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Album: Don’t Look Back (1978)

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