Bob Moses feat. BROODS - Old Love Text

Songtext zu Old Love

[Intro: Bob Moses & BROODS]
Old love, if only it was easier to fall in love
Like it was easy at the start for us
If only it was easier to find someone like you

[Verse 1: BROODS & Bob Moses]
Before I let you go, was hopin' I could say
Somethin' with my eyes so you know I feel a way
They watch you all the time, they never seem to stray
Follow you out the door, beggin' you to feel the same
Before you let me go, before I fade away
Erase me from your mind, don't think of me every day
I need you to know that I'm still holdin' on
Maybe you could remind me where I was goin' wrong

[Pre-Chorus: Bob Moses & BROODS]
Oh-ooh, how can I
See somebody how I saw you?
If I'm still lookin' out for

[Chorus: Bob Moses & BROODS]
Old love, if only it was easier to fall in love
Like it was easy at the start for us
If only it was easier to find someone like you
Old love, if only it was easier to fall in love
Like it was easy at the start for us
If only it was easier to find someone like you

[Verse 2: BROODS & Bob Moses]
Before I let you go, just wait here with me while
I try to find the words, tell you how I'm feelin' now
Used to be so nice, before we got so mad
Lovin' you that way, took everything that I had
Shot me awake, the way we left it

I have no use for resentment
I swear I'm good these days, I swear I've changed my ways
If you could see me now, you'd believe me when I say

[Pre-Chorus: Bob Moses & BROODS]
Oh-ooh, how can I
See somebody how I saw you?
If I'm still lookin' out for

[Chorus: Bob Moses & BROODS]
Old love, if only it was easier to fall in love
Like it was easy at the start for us
If only it was easier to find someone like you
Old love, if only it was easier to fall in love
Like it was easy at the start for us
If only it was easier to find someone like you

[Instrumental Break]

[Outro: Bob Moses & BROODS]
Old love, if only it was easier to fall in love
Like it was easy at the start for us
If only it was easier to find someone like you
(Old love)

Bob Moses & BROODS - Old Love Songtext

zu Old Love von Bob Moses - Old Love feat. BROODS Lyrics BROODS & Bob Moses - Old Love Text Old Love Bob Moses Old Love Liedtext
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