Songtext zu Inner Light
Standing tired
On your feet
Night is here
Just like me
You wanna dance
I wanna lead
A sleight of the hand
That you never see
You wanna dance
You don't know how to get it on the floor
Then don't hold back for anyone
Close your eyes
Just follow the inner light
(You count on me)
(You count on me)
(You count on me)
I can fly
I can breathe
We learn to sing
Like "Do, re, mi"
So you wanna dance?
And you wanna be
A bat out of hell?
Well, follow my lead
You wanna dance
You don't know how to get it on the floor
Then don't hold back for anyone
Close your eyes
Just follow the inner light
(You count on me)
You wanna dance
You don't know how to get it on the floor
Then don't hold back for anyone
Close your eyes
Just follow the inner light
(You count on me)
So follow
Me to
Our old life
Into the light
You wanna dance
I wanna lead
A sleight of the hand
That you never see
You wanna dance
You don't know how to get it on the floor
Then don't hold back for anyone
Close your eyes
Just follow the inner light
(You count on me)
You wanna dance
You don't know how to get it on the floor
Then don't hold back for anyone
Close your eyes
Just follow the inner light
(You count on me)
(You count on me)
(You count on me)
Elderbrook ft.Bob Moses - Inner Light Songtext
zu Inner Light von Elderbrook - Inner Light (with Bob Moses) Lyrics Bob Moses & Elderbrook - Inner Light Lied Elderbrook - Inner Light (with Bob Moses) Text Inner Light Elderbrook Inner Light LiedtextElderbrook & Bob Moses Inner Light Letra de Inner Light com Elderbrook & Bob Moses
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