Bladee & Thaiboy Digital - Requiem Text

Songtext zu Requiem

[Verse 1: Bladee]
To the sound of a memory

Silver gloria, yeah, yeah
Memento mori, yeah, yeah, yeah
We're victorious, I am very fortunate, ah yeah
Very destined to exceed
Very blessed by Elohim
Please forgive my final plea, know what I mean?

[Refrain: Bladee]
Trauma ties the bond in an unbreakable knot
The door behind is locked, we forever fall apart
Love should be like war, and this war must be like art

War must be like art, war must be like art
War must be like art, war must be like art
War must be like art, war must be like art
Love should be like war, and this war must be like art
War must be like art, war must be like art (To the sound of a memory)

[Verse 2: Thaiboy Digital & Bladee]
I’m trapped inside my head, stacking racks on bed
And my eyes so red, smoking purple haze
I'm trapped inside my head, stacking racks on bed
And my eyes so red (to the sound of a memory)
Downtown Thong Lo, Downtown Thong Lo
Downtown Thong Lo, Downtown Thong Lo (To the sound of a memory)

[Verse 3: Bladee]
Victory is ours, written in the stars
GTB, we shielded by the mark
Life is on the line, purpose beyond time
Destiny, you see the way it shines

[Refrain: Bladee]
Trauma ties the bond in an unbreakable knot
The door behind is locked, we forever fall apart
Love should be like war, and this war must be like art
War must be like art, war must be like art

[Outro: Thaiboy Digital]

Bladee & Thaiboy Digital - Requiem Songtext

zu Requiem von Bladee & Thaiboy Digital - Requiem Lyrics Thaiboy Digital & Bladee - Requiem Text Requiem Bladee & Thaiboy Digital Requiem Liedtext
Bladee & Thaiboy Digital Requiem Letra de Requiem com Bladee & Thaiboy Digital
Album: Requiem (2023)

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