Beyoncé & Rumi Carter - PROTECTOR Text

Songtext zu PROTECTOR

[Intro: Rumi Carter]
Mom, can I hear the lullaby?

[Verse 1]
And there I was, tangled up in marigold
We were listenin' to the reverent children singin'
(Sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing) Huh, yeah
Hummin' low as the garden river flows
While the August light becomes a golden evenin'
(Evenin') Yeah

And I will lead you down that road if you lose your way

Born to be a protector, mm-hmm
Even though I know someday you're gonna shine on your own
I will be your projector, mm, mm-hmm

[Verse 2]
An apricot picked right off a givin' tree
I gave water to thе soil
And now it feeds me, yeah, yeah (Yеah)
And there you are, shaded underneath it all
I feel proud of who I am
Because you need me, yeah (Yeah)

And I will lead you down that road if you lose your way (Uh)
Born to be a protector (—tor), mm
Even though I know someday you're gonna shine on your own
I will be your projector, hm-mm
And even though I know someday you're gonna shine on your own
I will be your projector, projector, projector

I first saw your face in your father's gaze
There's a long line of hands carryin' your name, mm
Liftin' you up, so you will be raised

Even though I know someday you're gonna shine on your own
I will be your projector, hey-yeah
And even though I know someday you're gonna shine on your own
I will be your protector, born to be a protector


Beyoncé und Rumi Carter - PROTECTOR Songtext

zu PROTECTOR von Beyoncé & Rumi Carter - PROTECTOR Lyrics Rumi Carter & Beyoncé - PROTECTOR Text PROTECTOR Beyoncé & Rumi Carter PROTECTOR Liedtext
Beyoncé & Rumi Carter PROTECTOR Letra de PROTECTOR com Beyoncé & Rumi Carter Beyoncé & Rumi Carter - PROTECTOR Songtekst Beyoncé & Rumi Carter - PROTECTOR Tekst
Album: COWBOY CARTER (2024)

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