Beyoncé - XO TEXT

Deutsche Übersetzung 🇩🇪 »

Songtext zu XO

You love is bright as ever
Even in the shadows
Baby kiss me
Before the turn the lights out
Your heart is glowing
And I'm crashing into you
Baby kiss me
Before they turn the lights out
Before they turn the lights out
Baby love me lights out

In the darkest night I'll
I'll search through the crowd

Your face is all that I see
I'll give you everything
Baby love me lights out
Baby love me lights out
You can turn my light down

We don't have forever
Baby daylight's wasting
You better kiss me
Before our time is run out
Nobody sees what we see
They're just hopelessly gazing
Baby take me
Before they turn the lights out
Before time is run out
Baby love me lights out

In the darkest night I'll
I'll search through the crowd
Your face is all that I see

I'll give you everything
Baby love me lights out
Baby love me lights out
You can turn my lights out

I love it like XO
You love me like XO
You kill me boy XO
You love me like XO
All that I see
Give me everything
Baby love me lights out
Baby love me lights out
You can turn my lights out

In the darkest night I'll
I'll search through the crowd
Your face is all that I see
I'll give you everything
Baby love me lights out
Baby love me lights out
You can turn my lights out

Beyoncé - XO Songtext

XO Deutsche Übersetzung zu XO von Beyoncé »

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