Alison Goldfrapp - In Electric Blue Text

Songtext zu In Electric Blue

[Verse 1]
Think I saw you in a dream last night
Your heart racing, flashing feline eyes
You say the words but I can’t seem to hear
I feel the rush of energy, I know you’re near

I know it’s kinda crazy but it’s true
I’m only in this world if it’s with you

[Verse 2]
In the darkness standing in the rain
You’re the vision no one can explain
I’m awake so you must be alive

Don’t wanna wait this time I know I won’t survive

I know it’s kinda crazy but it’s true
I’m only in this world if it’s with you
I know it’s kind of crazy but it’s true
I only dream you in electric blue

Looking at the sky
All the way up there to the stars
I know, know you can hear me
All the way out there

I know it’s kinda crazy but it’s truе
I’m only in this world if it’s with you
I know it’s kind of crazy but it’s true
I only dream you in elеctric blue

I know it’s kinda crazy but it’s true
I’m only in this world if it’s with you
I know it’s kind of crazy but it’s true
I only dream you in electric blue

It’s kinda crazy, it’s crazy, it’s crazy
It’s kinda crazy, it’s crazy, it’s crazy

Alison Goldfrapp - In Electric Blue Songtext

zu In Electric Blue von Alison Goldfrapp - In Electric Blue Lyrics Alison Goldfrapp - In Electric Blue Text In Electric Blue Alison Goldfrapp In Electric Blue Liedtext
Alison Goldfrapp In Electric Blue Letra de In Electric Blue com Alison Goldfrapp
Album: The Love Invention (2023)

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