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Прийшли до нашої землі брудні нікчемні москалі (Pryjszli do nashoji zemli brudni nikchemni moskali) Songtext von Unknown Artist (Ukrainian)
Versuchen Sie, einzeln nach diesen Wörtern zu suchen: Прийшли до нашої землі брудні нікчемні москалі (Pryjszli nashoji zemli brudni nikchemni moskali) Songtext Unknown Artist (Ukrainian) Meistgesuchte Songtexte

Civ (USA) - 1 AM TEXT
We pop out at 1 in the mornin' You really wanna know, this kind of life never borin' (Ayy, ayy, ayy) She bought Dior with her man from the store But she bring it to my table when the drink start pourin' (Sheesh) She askin' to come with the crew (Ask, "Who?") And the accent, it come with a view (That's true) She dancin' (She dancin'), unruly (Unruly) Reaction (Reaction), I love it