Zedd ft. Hayley Williams - Stay the Night TEXT

Stay the Night
Deutsche Übersetzung 🇩🇪 »

Songtext zu Stay the Night

I know that we are up-side-down
So hold your tongue and hear me out
I know
That we were made to break
So what? I don't mind

You cue the lights, I'll drop the blinds
Don't dull the sparkle in your eyes
I know that we were made to break
So what? I don't mind

Are you gonna stay the night?
Are you gonna stay the night?

Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Why're you gonna stay the night?
Are you gonna stay the night?
Doesn't mean we're bound for life
Are you gonna stay the night?

Are you gonna stay the night?
Doesnt mean were bound for life
Are you gonna stay the night?

I am a fire, gasoline
Come pour yourself all over me
We'll let this place go down in flames
Only one more time

You cue the lights, I'll drop the blinds
Don't dull the sparkle in your eyes
I know that we were made to break

So what? I don't mind

Are you gonna stay the night?
Are you gonna stay the night?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Are you gonna stay the night?
Are you gonna stay the night? (We can play)
Doesn't mean we're bound for life (We got today)
Why're you gonna stay the night?
(Night, night, night, night...)
Why're? you gonna stay the night?

Are you gonna stay the night?
Doesnt mean were bound for life
Why're you gonna stay the night?
Are you gonna stay the night?
Are you gonna stay tonight?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Why're you gonna stay the night?

Zedd ft. Hayley Williams - Stay the Night Songtext

Stay the Night Deutsche Übersetzung zu Stay the Night von Zedd ft. Hayley Williams »

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