Zach Bryan - Northern Thunder Text

Songtext zu Northern Thunder

Lovesick, homesick, sick of the road, too
There's a reason all them boys back when sang the blues
And please don't ask me how these last years went
Mama, I made a million dollars on accident
Well, I was supposed to die a military man
Chest out too far with a drink in my hand
But I've got folks who like hearing me rhyme
I think of thunder under metal roofs, all the time
Why's everyone acting like they ain't human?
Take me back to green grass and knowin' what I's doin
'Cause I just need a friend right now
Sittin' close until the daylight's out
It ain't been my week, it ain't been my year

And I hate to admit I just need you here

So close your eyes, do you think of when you's younger?
Won't you rest your mind?
Smell that northern thunder
So close your eyes, I pray you see those memories
The way this life blackens all the things you used to be
So close your eyes, do you think when you's younger?
Rest your mind and smell that northern thunder
Won't you close your eyes? Think of what this used to be
The way this life blackens all your younger memories

Lovesick, homesick, sick of the road too
There's a reason all them boys back when sang the blues

Zach Bryan - Northern Thunder Songtext

zu Northern Thunder von Zach Bryan - Northern Thunder Lyrics Zach Bryan - Northern Thunder Text Northern Thunder Zach Bryan Northern Thunder Liedtext
Zach Bryan Northern Thunder Letra de Northern Thunder com Zach Bryan
Album: The Great American Bar Scene (2024)

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