Zach Bryan - Eulogy Text

Songtext zu Eulogy

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The kids are in town for a funeral
So pack the car and dry your eyes
I know they got plenty of young blood
Left in 'em
And plenty nights under pink skies
You taught 'em to enjoy

So clean the house, clear the drawers
Mop the floors, stand tall
Like no one's ever been here
Before or at all
And don't you mention all the inches

That are scraped on the doorframe
We all know you tiptoed
Up to 4'1 back in '08

If you could see 'em now, you'd be proud
But you'd think they's yuppiеs
Your funeral was beautiful
I bet God hеard you coming
If you could see 'em now, you'd be proud
But you'd think they's yuppies
Your funeral was beautiful
I bet God heard you coming85

Zach Bryan - Eulogy Songtext

zu Eulogy von Zach Bryan - Eulogy Lyrics Zach Bryan - Eulogy Text Eulogy Zach Bryan Eulogy Liedtext
Zach Bryan Eulogy Letra de Eulogy com Zach Bryan
Album: The Great American Bar Scene

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