YUTA YAMADA - Comfortable Text

Songtext zu Comfortable

It seems that we have made our minds up
No more words to speak
The memories of it all were left behind...
Remember caring for each other, while judgements fell away?
So please believe there is another moment of...
Traces of long lost joy, still belonging to...
But curtains fall...
Moving on and on and on we go
Shining lights above blown away...
Could we ever find the reason why?
How could we gone so wrong for so long?

Moving on and on and on we go
Shining lights above blown away...
Could we ever find the reason why?
How could we gone so wrong for so long?

YUTA YAMADA - Comfortable Songtext

zu Comfortable von YUTA YAMADA - Comfortable Lyrics YUTA YAMADA - Comfortable Text Comfortable YUTA YAMADA Comfortable Liedtext
YUTA YAMADA Comfortable Letra de Comfortable com YUTA YAMADA YUTA YAMADA - Comfortable Songtekst YUTA YAMADA - Comfortable Tekst
Album: TVアニメ『東京喰種』オリジナル サウンドトラック (TV ANIME “TOKYO GHOUL” ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK) (2015)

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