Yuqi (G)I-DLE - Radio (dum-dum) Text

Songtext zu Radio (dum-dum)

Hello, I'm not sorry that I had to let you go
There's somethings that you should really know

[Verse 1]
I used to date a rock boy and he stole my heart
Had me rolling in the deep so bad
Anywhere he go, you know, I'd go
Promised me forever seven days of the week
But he was too busy getting down in the sheets
I used to date a rock boy, till he broke my heart


He tried so hard to win me back over
With a couple melodies
Had to let him know that he can't play me

Oh, there's this boy that I know
He made my heart beat like radio
It used to go dum-dum, da-da-da-da, dum
Da-da-da-da, dum, da-da-da, dum
But now I'm fine so when his songs
Are playing loud on the radio
I'm over that dum-dum, da-da-da-da, dum
Da-da-da-da, dum, da-da-da, dum

[Verse 2]
Oh, yeah, my momma taught me
Never let nobody treat me any less than I deserve
I'm not a dummy (Trust me)
He's the one that's begging now
Miss me 'cause I'm not around

Guess you only know just what you
Got when it walks out and you best believe
I'd never give my heart again to somebody
Like a rock boy 'cause he broke my heart

He tried so hard to win me back over
With a couple melodies
Had to let him know that he can't play me

Oh, there's this boy that I know
He made my heart beat like radio
It used to go dum-dum, da-da-da-da, dum
Da-da-da-da, dum, da-da-da, dum
But now I'm fine so when his songs
Are playing loud on the radio
I'm over that dum-dum, da-da-da-da, dum
Da-da-da-da, dum, da-da-da, dum

Dum-dum, da-da-da-da, dum (On the radio, radio)
Dum-dum, da-da-da-da (On the radio, oh)
Dum-dum, da-da-da-da, dum (On the radio, radio)
Da-da-dum, di-dum, yeah (On the radio, oh)
Dum-dum, da-da-da-da, dum (On the radio, radio)
Dum-dum, da-da-da-da (On the radio, oh)
Dum-dum, da-da-da-da, dum (On the radio, radio)
My heart no longer sings along

Yuqi (G)I-DLE - Radio (dum-dum) Songtext

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