YG Marley & Lauryn Hill - Survival Text

Songtext zu Survival

[Verse 1]
They don't want us to be who we're supposed to be
But we are who we are
And that's the way that it's going to be
They don't want to see the further proof
And it's hard to find it hidden right in front of you
Oh we, oh we

And they're showing us to fight for every struggle
Never ever let them put you in a bubble
And the brimstone will rain from our fire
Tell me if that is what you desire

Control, control, control
Control, control, control
They want control of we
And they want control over me
Ovеr me

We'll keep on surviving
They keep on fighting us down
But wе'll keep on surviving
Even though they push to the ground
We'll keep on surviving
They keep on fighting us down

[Verse 1]
They don't want us to be who we're supposed to be
But we are who we are
And that's the way that it's going to be
They don't want to see the further proof

And it's hard to find it hidden right in front of you
Oh we, oh we

And they're showing us to fight for every struggle
Never ever let them put you in a bubble
And the brimstone will rain from our fire
Tell me if that is what you desire

Control, control, control
Control, control, control
They want control of we
And they want control over me
Over me

We'll keep on surviving
They keep on fighting us down
But we'll keep on surviving
Even though they push to the ground
We'll keep on surviving
They keep on fighting us down
And they're showing us to fight for every struggle
Never ever let them put you in a bubble
And the brimstone will rain from our fire
Tell me if that is what you desire

Control, control, control
Control, control, control
They want control of we
And they want control over me
Over me
Control, control, control
Control, control, control
They want control of we
And they want control over me
Over me

We'll keep on surviving
They keep on fighting us down
But we'll keep on surviving
Even though they push to the ground
We'll keep on surviving
They keep on fighting us down

YG Marley und Lauryn Hill - Survival (Version) Songtext

zu Survival (Version) von YG Marley & Lauryn Hill - Survival Lyrics Lauryn Hill & YG Marley - Survival (Version) Text Survival (Version) YG Marley & Lauryn Hill Survival (Version) Liedtext
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