Yannis & The Yaw - Rain Can't Reach Us Text

Songtext zu Rain Can't Reach Us

[Verse 1]
Now between the Devil and the deep blue sea
No rest for you and no peace for me
You stand your ground with the powers that be
Don't flee under fire for all to see
You walk through wind and you break through bones
Look for a place that you call your own
You once were king, but now you're beat
Long past the time to concede defeat

Well, I walk through fire, I walk through flame
The city burns while it says my name
I feel like war now, I feels like heat

The time has come to claim the streets

Keep, keep, keep, keeping on
Keep, keep, keep, keep, keep, keeping on, I keep
Keep, keep, keep, keeping on
Keep, keep, keep, keep, keep, keeping on, I keep

[Verse 2]
Now the fire it rests with me
Gold destructor for all to see
I break the windows, I burn the lines
Lay waste the spires and I wind back time
Start it over, to start a new
Salvation comes but far the few


Oh, well, I walk through fire, I walk through flame
The city burns while it says my name
I feel like war now, feel the heat
The time has come to reclaim the streets
I walk through fire
Oh, I walk through flame
Well, I walk through fire (Keep, keep, keep, keeping on)
Ah, you said my name (Keep, keep, keep, keeping on)

Oh, you say my name (Keep, keep, keep, keeping on)
Oh, you say my name (Keep, keep, keep, keeping on)
Oh, you say my name (Keep, keep, keep, keeping on)
Oh, you say my name (Keep, keep, keep, keeping on)
Keep, keep, keep, keeping on
Keep, keep, keep, keeping on
Keep, keep, keep, keeping on
Keep, keep, keep, keeping on

Yannis und The Yaw - Rain Can't Reach Us Songtext

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Yannis & The Yaw Rain Can't Reach Us Letra de Rain Can't Reach Us com Yannis & The Yaw Yannis & The Yaw - Rain Can't Reach Us Songtekst
Album: Lagos Paris London EP (2024)

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