Yaelokre - Bird cage blue and yellow Text

Songtext zu Bird cage blue and yellow

Bird cage blue and yellow
Candles warm and windows bare
Tracing upturned smiles of portraits
Drawn to disappear
Flowers never talk, they never want
They never need
In a cradle gilded, they are left
To rot yet never bleed
Eyes of silver, mirror, mirror
Thread on wood and steel
Keep what can be kept
And heave to see which one will kneel

I've been told to wait
But why should there be silence
Dawning pretty laces
Weaving capes of gold
And framing muffled faces
I can be different
I can't be puppeted
Garden evergreen
Was what I thought that I would see
Branches meet my steps
Their kisses open up ravines
Fences frozen in a dance
They've yet to perform
I leave the house and the Baroness
Buried in before

Finndu mig í framtíðinni

Perrine & Kingsley:
Malayang maya, malayo-layo

Malayang maya, malayo-layo
Malayang maya, malayo-layo
Malayang maya, malayo-layo

Cole & Clémentine:
Rödd eins og bjalla
Heldur okkur öruggum
Frá framtíðinni

Yaelokre - Bird cage blue and yellow Songtext

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