Winten - Waving To My Girl Text

Songtext zu Waving To My Girl

Are we having the time of our lives?
In her garden, I watched my mother cry
You are the gift and I hold the apple to your eye
I see it green and you see it blind

Oh, darling, don't fuss, I will say goodbye before the show
Please don't call my bluff every time I'm walking out the door
If you're ready, I can take it, I still love you like I did before
I'm meeting my woman, you are waving to my girl

I pay it to your truth
If it's love I didn't give to you
And I don't care about it, don't wanna talk it through

If that is all I can do

Oh, darling, don't fuss, I will say goodbye before the show
Please don't call my bluff every time I'm walking out the door
If you're ready, I can take it, I still love you like I did before
I'm meeting my woman, you are waving to

My girl, ooh
My girl, ooh
My girl, ooh
My girl, ooh

Are we having the time of our lives?

Winten - Waving To My Girl Songtext

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