Willow Avalon - Country Never Leaves Text

Songtext zu Country Never Leaves

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Ten miles to go on this damn dark road
I've driven a thousand times
Going back to the place that I called home
I ran from years ago
Saying I'd rather die than stay here
In this hell hole all my life
The one stop light still shining bright
At the four way stop past the old church sign

Sometimes you love what you leave
Two suitcases full of memories
A guitar with four strings

My Sunday's best and a heart made of dreams
Too big for this small town where what you say comes back around
You can take the girl out of the country
But it never, ever really leaves

Mama tried to sugarcoat the bad nights and the family lies
My best friend Haylin got pregnant before her time
You even married younger, love the drugs that ease your mind
Wished that I could change the truth
But it's just my hometown roots

Sometimes you love what you leave
Two suitcases full of memories
A guitar with four strings
My Sunday's best and a heart made of dreams
Too big for this small town where
What you say comes back around

You can take the girl out of the country
But it never ever really leaves

Some things you're born into, you just can't change
But I wouldn't have it any other way

Sometimes you love what you leave
Two suitcases full of memories
A guitar with four strings
My Sunday's best and a heart made of dreams
Too big for this small town where
What you say comes back around
You can take the girl out of the country
But it never ever really leaves
But the country never ever leaves

Willow Avalon - Country Never Leaves Songtext

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