Will Young - Midnight Text

Songtext zu Midnight

Running around (Around), lonely, midnight (Crying)
Running, crying (Around), lonely, midnight (Crying)
Running around (Around), lonely, midnight (Crying)
Running, crying (Around), lonely, midnight (Crying)

[Verse 1]
Texting every ex, tryna get my fix
Why does no one tell me that they are married?
Looking in the window at my reflection
How did I suddenly get so old?

It's pointless

Running around at midnight
And I'm so lonely (Running around, lonely, midnight)
Wandering around at midnight (Running, crying, lonely, midnight)

[Verse 2]
I can't feel my feet, shoes are falling up
But why does my heart keep on falling down?
No one seems to want to be my friend anymore
I keep on wondering why

It's pointless
Running around at midnight
I keep crying (Running around, lonely, midnight)
Wandering around at midnight (Running, crying, lonely, midnight)
I keep crying (Running around, lonely, midnight)
Wandering around at midnight (Running, falling, lonely, midnight)

[Verse 3]

Tеxting every ex, tryna gеt my fix
Why does no one tell me that they are married?
Looking in the window at my reflection
How did I suddenly get so old?

It's pointless
Wandering around at midnight
And I'm so lonely (Running around, lonely, midnight)
Wandering around at midnight (Running, crying, lonely, midnight)

[Verse 4]
I can't even keep these house plants alive
All these diets just drive me mad
Therapy seems to just leave me feeling
More lonely and so awfully sad

It's hopeless (Running around, lonely, midnight)
Wandering around at midnight (Running, crying, lonely, midnight)
And I'm so lonely (Running around, lonely, midnight)
Wandering around at midnight (Running, crying, lonely, midnight)

Running around, lonely, midnight
Running, crying (Yeah, yeah), lonely, midnight
Running around, lonely, midnight
Running, crying, lonely, midnight
Running around, lonely, midnight
Running, crying, lonely, midnight

Will Young - Midnight Songtext

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Album: Light It Up (2024)

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