White Door - Love Breakdown Text

Songtext zu Love Breakdown

[Intro: Khary]
Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

[Verse: Khary]
Drunk off emotions, you were like the reason I would
Drown in the ocean while searching for a message in a bottle
I could open if, in it
Were the coordinates of something that even resembles you
Fool me once, fool me twice, yeah, I been a fool
I would battle giant squid or octopi with tentacles if-
That would set you free of any doubts of-
Raining all that love on a me, that's in a drought, ah
No, I'm not six feet tall or-

Wear Designer clothes, I like war of the stars
I mean Star Wars, I'm not one of those people who hate
Episodes one through three, I mean, sorry that was random
Often tan with my tangents
You would think I'd be darker, Mary Jane and Peter Parker
That's the way I see it, would you still love a nigga if he drove a Prius?
With a shiny coat of paint, they will try to key us
So, keep both of your hands inside the ride
And both eyes on me
Let your heart be the instrumental
I want you for who you are, and for your potential
If the body is a temple, I would pray to yours every day
Like you're a goddess, simply because I sin a lot
If reincarnation is real, I was once the rabbit
That let you eat 'em, because you've been a fox

[Chorus: Khary]
(Aah) I got lots of love for you, girl
(Aah) You my, you my, you my baby

(Aah) I got lots of love for you, girl
(Aah) You my, you my, you my baby

[Bridge: Khary]
Spend a lot of time with you on my mind (What)
Hoping you don't mind, you are hella fine, put you on a dime (I got lots of love for you, girl)
Spend a lot of time with you on my mind (What)
Hoping you don't mind, you are hella fine, put you on a dime ([?])
Spend a lot of time with you on my mind
Hoping you don't mind, you are hella fine, put you on a dime
Spend a lot of time with you on my mind
Hoping you don't mind, you are hella fine, put you on a dime

[Outro: Khary]
(Put you on a-) Put you on a dime

White Door - Love Breakdown Songtext

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