White Door - Jerusalem Text

Songtext zu Jerusalem

Jerusalem, you set the world on fire
Jerusalem, city of desire
We're watching you
What will you do, oh, Jerusalem

Jerusalem, the prophets call your name
Jerusalem, but they call out in vain
'Cause you don’t hear
How many tears must fall, Jerusalem

The armies come marching
They stand at your door
But still you refuse to obey
Your children are scattered

All over this world
Yet their hearts are all drawn
To one place

Jerusalem, you are the wailing wall
Jerusalem, you break the hearts
Of all who dreams for you
What can we do, oh, Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Jesus calls to you
Jerusalem, but you don’t listen
To the voice of Love
It cries from above, oh, Jerusalem

The armies come marching
They stand at your door
But still you refuse to obey
Your children are scattered
All over this world

Yet their hearts are all drawn
To one place

Jerusalem, oh, Jerusalem
So far away
I’m gonna pray for you, Jerusalem

Jerusalem, when will the bloodshed cease
Jerusalem, when will you live in peace
So far away
I’m gonna pray for you, Jerusalem

Ooh, Jerusalem

White Door - Jerusalem Songtext

zu Jerusalem von White Door - Jerusalem Lyrics White Door - Jerusalem Text Jerusalem White Door Jerusalem Liedtext
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Album: Hotline (1985)

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