Songtext zu Zadok the Priest
Zadok, the Priest and Nathan, the Prophet anointed Solomon KingAnd all the people rejoic'd, and said:
'God save The King, long live The King, may The King live for ever!
Amen Hallelujah!'
Westminster Abbey Choir & English Chamber Orchestra & Martin Nea - Zadok the Priest Songtext
zu Zadok the Priest von Westminster Abbey Choir & English Chamber Orchestra & Martin Nea - Zadok the Priest Lyrics English Chamber Orchestra & Westminster Abbey Choir - Zadok the Priest Text Zadok the Priest Westminster Abbey Choir & English Chamber Orchestra & Martin Nea Zadok the Priest LiedtextWestminster Abbey Choir & English Chamber Orchestra & Martin Nea Zadok the Priest Letra de Zadok the Priest com Westminster Abbey Choir & English Chamber Orchestra & Martin Nea
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Zadok the Priest Songtext von Westminster Abbey Choir & English Chamber Orchestra & Martin Nea
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