Voilà - Better Off Text

Songtext zu Better Off

We'd be
Better off
If we were turning down the lights and turning the locks
And girl you're looking good in your St. Laurent
But I just gotta tell you
It'd be better off

Got a table at your favorite place
You're getting ready running way late
Rushing up and down the staircase
Asking me "What should I wear, babe?"

Something backless, strapless

Red stilettos with the lips to match it
And a look that makes me wanna ask if

We'd be
Better off
If we were turning down the lights and turning the locks
And girl you're lookin good in your St. Laurent
But I just gotta tell you
It'd be better off
If it was lying on the floor right where it belongs
And girl you know your dress really turns me on
But I just gotta tell you
It'd be better off

Girl, you wanna see a magic trick?
Took you an hour to pick an outfit
Another hour just to get in it
But I can take it off in an instant

So tell me girl, how about

We don't even leave the house?
But we can still go to town

'Cause we'd be
Better off
If we were turning down the lights and turning the locks
And girl you're lookin good in your St. Laurent
But I just gotta tell you
It'd be better off
If it was lyin' on the floor right where it belongs
And girl you know your dress really turns me on
But I just gotta tell you
It'd be better off

When you ask to pick a dress I like
Just know I never will make up my mind
But that body I can get behind
Or maybe under if that's what you like

Voilà - Better Off Songtext

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