Visage - Pleasure Boys Text

Songtext zu Pleasure Boys

[Verse 1]
I really don't know much better
There's nothing I can tell you
But that's something for me to know
And something for you to do

Put yourself in my position
Think about it everyday
Give me solid facts
I want to hear the words
I want to hear what you have to say

You know my situation

The reality is true
And it's leisure time for the pleasure boys
And the pleasure boys are you

[Verse 2]
Leisure and conversation
All the boys are on the phone
Pleasure and relaxation
Everyone for everyone


[Verse 3]
This is a fun house
Some say a mad house
It's leisure, pleasure
And the boys are out the front

[Outro x3]

You know my situation
The reality is true
And it's leisure time for the pleasure boys
And the pleasure boys are you

Visage - Pleasure Boys Songtext

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