Vernon Maytone - Rasta Rule the World Text

Songtext zu Rasta Rule the World

A money worries, a money trouble
A money worries, a money trouble

Anywhere you go, it's the same cry (Yes)
Money worries, money worries
Anywhere you go, it's the same cry (Oy-oy-oy-oy)
Money worries, money worries

[Verse 1]
Don't have a comfortable place of rest

Or a nice car to drive
Anything you need these days
Money is the only answer (Yeah)

Anywhere you go, it's the same cry (Oy-oy-oy-oy)
Money worries, money worries
Anywhere you go, it's the same cry (Yes)
Money worries, money worries

[Verse 2]
Everyone would like to live happy
Eating and wearing the best in life
But to really do so, my friends
Money is the only problem (Yes)

Anywhere you go, it's the same cry (Oy-oy-oy-oy)
Money worries, money worries

Anywhere you go, it's the same cry (Oy-oy-oy-oy)
Money worries, money worries

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 3]
Everyone would like to live happy
Eating and wearing the best in life
But to really do so, my friends
Money is the only problem (Yes)

Anywhere you go, it's the same cry (Yes)
Money worries, money worries
Anywhere you go, it's the same cry (Anywhere you go)
Money worries, money worries

Vernon Maytone - Rasta Rule the World Songtext

zu Rasta Rule the World von Vernon Maytone - Rasta Rule the World Lyrics Vernon Maytone - Rasta Rule the World Text Rasta Rule the World Vernon Maytone Rasta Rule the World Liedtext
Vernon Maytone Rasta Rule the World Letra de Rasta Rule the World com Vernon Maytone Vernon Maytone - Rasta Rule the World Songtekst Vernon Maytone - Rasta Rule the World Tekst
Album: Rockers (Original Soundtrack Recording) (1979)

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