Valentino Khan feat. ALMA - Stop Talkin Text

Songtext zu Stop Talkin

Stop talkin' now
You better shut your mouth
There's blood on me 'cause you're so fucking loud
Stop talkin' now
You better shut your mouth
I want to eat your face 'cause you're so fucking loud

Stop talkin' now
Stop talkin' now
Stop talkin' now
You better shut your mouth

There's a snake on the floor

As long as you're talking
There's a sign on the door
You better start walking
There's a snake on the floor
There's a sign on the door

Stop talkin' now
You better shut your mouth
There's blood on me 'cause you're so fucking loud
Stop talkin' now
You better shut your mouth
I want to eat your face 'cause you're so fucking loud

Stop talkin' now
Stop talkin' now
Stop talkin' now
You bettеr shut your mouth

There's a snake on the floor
As long as you're talking

There's a sign on the door
You better start walking
There's a snake on the floor
There's a sign on the door

I can't help it, ugh-a, ugh-a
I can't take it, ugh-a
So I need, need you to stop

Stop talkin' now
You better shut your mouth
There's blood on me 'cause you're so fucking loud
Stop talkin' now
You better shut your mouth
I want to eat your face 'cause you're so fucking loud

Stop talkin' now
Stop talkin' now
Stop talkin' now
You better shut your mouth

ALMA & Valentino Khan - Stop Talkin Songtext

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