Valentino Khan & Alison Wonderland - Anything Text

Songtext zu Anything

[Verse 1]
Those eyes, disguise, I'll hide
Bright lights, design, they're fine
Your heart beats fast despite
The truth that love is blind

I just wanna feel anything
Anything with you, with you
I just wanna feel anything
Anything with you, with you

[Verse 2]

This time, don't say goodbye
Don't know if I can lie
My heart beats fast, alright
Come home with me tonight

I just wanna feel anything
Anything with you, with you
I just wanna feel anything
Anything with you, with you

I just wanna feel, feel anything, yeah
I just wanna feel anything
I just wanna feel, feel anything, yeah
I just wanna feel anything
I just wanna—
I just wanna—
I just wanna—
I just wanna—

I just wanna—
I just wanna—
I just wanna—
I just wanna—

I just wanna feel anything
Anything with you, with you
I just wanna feel anything
Anything with you, with you

Alison Wonderland feat. Valentino Khan - Anything Songtext

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