Uriah Heep - Gypsy Text

Songtext zu Gypsy

[Verse 1]
I was only seventeen
I fell in love with a gypsy queen
She told me, hold on!
Her father was the leading man
Said "You're not welcome on our land"
And then as a foe, he told me to go

[Verse 2]
He took me to a little shack
And put a whip across my back
Then told her, leave me
I was out for quite a time
Came back with her on my mind

Sweet little girl, she means all the world

[Verse 3]
Though I want my gypsy queen
Will she still be torn between
Her father and lover?
One day I will go to him
Strong enough to fight and win
The kind of a man, that he'll understand66

Uriah Heep - Gypsy Songtext

zu Gypsy von Uriah Heep - Gypsy Lyrics Uriah Heep - Gypsy Text Gypsy Uriah Heep Gypsy Liedtext
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Album: ...Very ’Eavy ...Very ’Umble (1970)

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